** Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. ~Benjamin Franklin **


ASSALAMMUALAIKUM... Salam Mesra - Salam Blogging dari MakLady

Friday, December 13, 2013

Lunch : Let's go Arabic


Hari Jumaat macam hari ni, 
pasti ada yang tengah fikir2 nak lunch kat mana?
Almaklumlah ... waktu lunch uols 
(especially the ladies at work) panjang skit ye tak?

Sambil window shopping ...bersama teman sepejabat, 
mungkin ada yang tak tahu nak lunch kat mana?
Sure, uol pun blurr.. tak tahu nak lunch apa arini.....

Maybe after viewing this entry.. maybe u got some ideas....

Flash Back : Suatu hari di pagi Jumaat

BFF : jom kita pekena nasi ala ala minah arab jom.....?
MakLady : kat mana? 
BFF: Xpe. satgi I fetch u and we go to this place.....
MakLady: OK jer.. I followww :)

As what she suggested. We did had our nasi Arab...
( actually ada special name for the dish...but lupa apa ntah nama )

The place is awesome. Lokasi : somewhere new my place. 
Since she is in KL for a short while, and being running here and there...
Lama tak jumpa, she suggested that we had our lunch together...
So we r at this place.....And the dishes was so so ... Arabic..!! 
WE LOVE IT... :)
ML with my BFF and the lunch that was so Arabic....
Sedap! hingga kenyang sampai esok pagi..hehehe
So.. let's go Arabic... :))

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